And then there were 17. (Holy crap we still have to eliminate 16 girls to get the the winner?! What a freaking long season.)
Last week saw the girls be equal parts crazy (see: Olivia and Lace) and genuine (see: Caila and Becca). We saw both good dates (see: ERROR - FOOTAGE NOT FOUND) and bad dates (see: Homecoming Queen competition, hanging out in a jacuzzi in a jacuzzi store, visiting Dr. Love so Ben could see whose chemicals matched closest with his). We saw both Kevin Hart and Ice Cube make cameos and attempt to drop as many references as they possibly could to their film RIDE ALONG 2 (Ice Cube - what happened, bro?).
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(L-R) Dr. Love and Ben. Dr. Love is TOTALLY legit. He graduated with Dr. Pepper. |
All in all, just another week on the greatest/worst reality show on TV.
Check out Chase and I's updated rankings below and get that wine ready for another wild ride on Monday night!
I lost another POWER 5 pick last week (Jackie) and we are now left with three women each from our preseason picks. Two of mine are looking rough (anyone not named Caila). Chase's are looking much more stable (Caila, Becca, Lauren H.).
Admin Note: To help you keep track of where our remaining POWER 5 contestants land in each of our weekly rankings, we will mark them with an *.
The Rules: We will rank the remaining Bachelor contestants. Points will be awarded each week based on how well each of us predict the contestants going home. For example, if Josh puts CONTESTANT A in spot 7 and Chase puts CONTESTANT A in spot 10 and CONTESTANT A goes home, Josh will get 7 points and Chase will get 10.
The winner will be based on the player with the most points at the end of the season (this ain't golf, folks).
After saying goodbye to Mandi, Jackie, Samantha and (walkout) Lauren "LB," the score sits:
- Chase: 57
- Josh: 54
- *Caila, 24, Software Sales Representative, Hudson, OH - Talk about a slam dunk. Caila absolutely nailed her 1-on-1 date, despite it being quite a weird, weird date. At least Jimmy Kimmel had clothes on in the hot tub when he crashed a 1-on-1 date a few years back. Caila nailed it. She’s in the driver’s seat. (Well technically, she was in the passenger seat. And Kevin Hart and Ice Cube were in the back seat. But you get what I’m saying.)
- *Becca, 26, Chiropractic Assistant, San Diego, CA - First off... did you see her jump shot? I don't think that the producers edited her shots to make her look better than she actually is. Becca is a straight up baller. These rankings are just like preseason college basketball rankings: Last seasons' best teams start the new season at top of the rankings. Until someone defeats Becca, she'll be the queen of the court. Also. She's terrible at geography. I mean. Terrible.
- JoJo, 24, Real Estate Developer, Dallas, TX - Zero to Sixty. JoJo came out of nowhere! One minute she was worried about her connection with Ben and the next thing you know she's on a rooftop (telling Ben it's the highest she's ever been? I don't buy it) making out like high schoolers. Good for JoJo.
- Lauren B., 25, Flight Attendant, Marina Del Rey, CA - We've lost a Lauren every single week. The battle for which Lauren rests on her Laurels continues: We are down to 2 and Lauren B. has a SLIGHT edge on Lauren H.
- Jubilee, 24, War Veteran, Fort Lauderdale, FL - While I'm still not necessarily sold on Jubilee, I think she's poised to make a run. She has severe disdain for Lace (which improves her ranking in my book) and just doesn't seem to be down with drama. We aren't really sure why she came on this show. But you know, Jubilee is kind of a fun name and let's us use party emojis on Twitter. So that's a party.
- Jennifer, 25, Small Business Owner, Fort Lauderdale, FL - She's got the kiss in the bag. At this point, if you've gotten a kiss from Ben, you're in the drivers seat. She's normal, connects well with Ben and isn't Lace. So she's in really good shape.
- Amanda, 25, Esthetician, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - I always have an internal discussion when the conversation about kids from other relationships comes up: Does The Bachelor really not care that she has kids? Or do the producers tell him he has to say that? Ben's interaction makes me think the former. And seriously, how adorable is that? Inevitably, she's going to get sent home because she needs to spend time with her children. So what I'm saying is sell high on Amanda. Her stock can't go up from here.
- *Lauren H., 25, Kindergarten Teacher, Ann Arbor, MI - Down a few slots this week just for being a bit absent from the action. Maybe she's playing the long game. But while she's trying to be normal, all the other girls are making their moves. Make your move, Lauren H. Your kindergarteners are cheering for you.
- Emily and Haley (The Twins), 22, Twins, Las Vegas, NV - You know that Facebook friend* that you keep around because their posts are mildly entertaining in that "train wreck" kind of way? The twins are the physical embodiment of that on The Bachelor. Ben wants to look away, but he just can't. Yet. And more importantly, the best 2-on-1 date in Bachelor history is approaching. *If you don't know who that friend is, you very well may be that person.
- Leah, 25, Event Planner, Denver CO - Last week I accidentally left Leah off my rankings until Josh pointed it out to me. She's in that weird purgatory state: not a front runner, but not going anywhere yet. If she doesn't stand out this week, she'll be gone well before Valentine's Day.
- Olivia, 23, News Anchor, Austin, TX - I got this one wrong. Olivia is crazy. The thing is... does Ben know? He HAS too. More importantly... we got the incredible screenshot of Olivia's mouth being 20 feet open. All of the memes. If you're reading this blog and NOT following the live tweets, you're missing out. Severely.
- Jami, 23, Bartender, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada - I've literally watched every minute of the show so far and have NOTHING substantial to write about her. Nothing.
- Shushanna, 27, Mathematician, Salt Lake City, UT - Good news. She speaks English. Bad news. Not much time with Ben, so he may not know she speaks English. Hopefully she speaks Benglish. AM I RIGHT? NAILED IT.
- Amber, 30, Bartender, Chicago, IL - You heard it here first: Amber was going home last week until she got bailed out by "LB" who decided to leave (thereby giving up her pursuit of love AND unlimited open bars). Amber is gone. Or needs to be gone.
- Lace, 25, Real Estate Agent, Denver, CO - Oh dear me. I haven't been as happy about a Bachelor outcome since Juan Pablo's season ended and we didn't have to deal with him ever again. We get Lace for at least one more week. And this, my friends, is reason to celebrate.
- Rachel, 23, Unemployed, Little Rock, AR - I think Rachel is still on the show. But I don't really know for sure. Check back next week. She won't be here. Or maybe she will and I still won't know who she is or why I'm continuing to have to write 2-3 sentences about her in this blog.
- *Caila, 24, Software Sales Representative, Hudson, OH - Not only did she snag the coveted first 1-on-1 date, she knocked it out of the park (despite the supremely awkward Kevin Hart/Ice Cube crash). She’s safe for the long run. And best of all, it appears she might steer clear of the upcoming drama.
- Becca, 26, Chiropractic Assistant, San Diego, CA - Girl can BALL. She was draining baskets like she trains with Steph Curry. Better than that, she seems genuine and Ben digs her. Safe.
- Amanda, 25, Esthetician, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - Amanda spoke up and told Ben about her kids. And despite telling him with her incessantly irritating voice, Ben was totally okay with it. She won't win (you heard it here first) but she is safe for a while. Welcome to the Top 3!
- JoJo, 24, Real Estate Developer, Dallas, TX - Girl got a kiss on the group date and then the group date rose. And she's still got that "I can cook a quesadilla" ace up her sleeve. Sitting pretty in the TOP 4.
- Lauren B., 25, Flight Attendant, Marina Del Rey, CA - You can tell Ben likes her.
A Bachelor internBen spent time printing a 4x6 picture on Chris Harrison's photo printer of the first time they met (which was what - three days prior?). Regardless of who accomplished the printing, he pulled out something personal for her. This early in thegamesearch for love, that's a good sign. - Lauren H., 25, Kindergarten Teacher, Ann Arbor, MI - The Laurens are sitting comfortably in the Top 10. Lauren H. was also given something personal during the cocktail party before the rose ceremony - she was awarded a
meaninglesssuper cute ribbon for her work in the totally fake science fair that happened during the first group date. As dumb as it was (and it was DUMB), it's a step in the right direction. - Jubilee, 24, War Veteran, Fort Lauderdale, FL - She seemed slightly more into him than he did into her (she couldn't quite snag that group date rose) but she still gets a spot in the top 10 because there was some definite chemistry.
- Emily and Haley (The Twins), 22, Twins, Las Vegas, NV - These girls are dumb as bricks. Best of all, THEY ADMIT IT. From last week: "I'm not that smart." - Emily or Haley (it could have been either since they look and act the same and I zone out when they are talking). But since they aren't going home until a dramatic 2-on-1 date, I'm putting them squarely in the middle of the pack.
- *Jennifer, 25, Small Business Owner, Fort Lauderdale, FL - She made little impression in Week 2. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. If she can have a couple good moments, this POWER 5 pick might just redeem itself! Plus, there's ALWAYS a silent contestant who makes it near the end and we are all like: "WHAT THE HELL HAS SHE EVEN SPOKEN A SINGLE WORD THIS ENTIRE SEASON?" Jennifer - it could be you!
- Olivia, 23, News Anchor, Austin, TX - You’re terrible. And worst of all, Ben is totally buying whatever it is your gaping mouth is selling. Gross. I'm putting her this low in case she actually goes home (which, knowing this show, she won't for a while).
- *Shushanna, 27, Mathematician, Salt Lake City, UT - Oof. Rough POWER 5 pick. She snuck by this week but once the dust settles, it's clear this match won't add up. Her time is short so she should plot her next move in life (get it - PLOT. LIKE ON GRAPH PAPER. CAUSE SHE'S INTO MATH).
- Jami, 23, Bartender, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada - Canadians are lovely. I work with some on a regular basis. But gurrrrrrrrrrl - Ben's got NO TIME for Canadians in his life. See: Bristowe, Kaitlyn.
- Leah, 25, Event Planner, Denver CO - Who are you? Did you get any screen time last week? No? Please go home so I can remember the names of the people who can actually win this season.
- Rachel, 23, Unemployed, Little Rock, AR - Who are you? How did you get a rose? Did you convince the producers to leave you on the show because you are unemployed? Probs, yeah.
- Amber, 30, Bartender, Chicago, IL - You are so boring. And you couldn't beat Mandi in a footrace and therefore ended up the Homecoming Princess - translation: Homecoming Queen LOSER. You barely scraped by last week. Pack your bags. Chicago is calling.
- Lace, 25, Real Estate Agent, Denver, CO - What the what? It's shocking that she made it this far. But this is The Bachelor after all and we all know that
the producersBen totally makes all of the decisions so anything can happen. Go home, Lace. Despite what you say, you’re crazy.
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