Though there was a definite downswing last week following the Jimmy Kimmel episode, it did feature uncomfortable dates galore (camping! "would you rather" rooftop discussions! "HEY LOOK AT ME I'M A VIRGIN DIDN'T YOU KNOW?!"). With less than a dozen girls left, it's anyone's game (read: anyone but Ashley I.).
If you missed "The Bachelor Five" from last week (our take on the five most important things you missed on last week's episode), be sure to check that out here and then check out this week's Power Rankings below.
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Behind the scenes footage of a Bachelor producer reviewing footage of Kaitlyn removing clothes at the lake/camping group date. |
Now for this week's power rankings. 11 girls left and Chase has taken a narrow lead after saying goodbye to Nikki, Juelia, Jillian and Ashley S. last week (Chase at 140 and me at 138). Do I have any hope or is Chase going to run away with this for the THIRD STRAIGHT SEASON?
The Rules: We will rank the remaining Bachelor contestants. Points will be awarded each week based on how well each of us predict the contestants going home. For example, if Josh puts CONTESTANT A in spot 7 and Chase puts CONTESTANT A in spot 10 and CONTESTANT A goes home, Josh will get 7 points and Chase will get 10.
The winner will be based on the player with the most points at the end of the season (this ain't golf, folks).
The winner will be based on the player with the most points at the end of the season (this ain't golf, folks).
POWER 5: We will mark our Power 5 choices with a * so you can keep track of how well we predicted from the start. Chase now only has 3 in play (losing Jillian and Nikki last week). I'm also down to 3 after Tandra's exit in Week 2 and Nikki's exit last week.
NOTE: Chase and I do our rankings and analysis independently of one another. Any similarities in our commentary just means GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE, OKAY?
NOTE: Chase and I do our rankings and analysis independently of one another. Any similarities in our commentary just means GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE, OKAY?
- Becca, 25, Chiropractic Assistant, CA – She was my number one last week and I’m keeping her here for another week despite a lack of camera time. The big virginity bombshell (is it really a bombshell though? Nope.) was dropped and she was cooler than the other side of the pillow. Becca is in this for the long haul.
- *Jade, 28, Cosmetics Developer, CA – Princess Jade would have potentially taken the top spot this week, but news has broken on Twitter this week about her previous experience with a certain scandalous media outlet. I think she and Chris really hit it off, but if and when this news comes out, I can’t see our favorite Iowan taking to it kindly, despite his promiscuous tendencies.
- *Whitney, 29, Fertility Nurse, IL – Another week of Whitney just PTG’ing. (playing the game). She’s playing it cool and seems heads and shoulders above the rest of these girls in terms of maturity. I think she’s a lock for a hometown visit. You heard it here first. I still have three of my power 5 remaining and I feel most confident about her making it the longest.
- Kaitlyn, 29, Dance Instructor, BC – So the obvious follow up to an incredible Costco date is to go camping and take off all your clothes on national TV. Britt definitely dragged her through the mud a bit and I think she’s going to get caught up in that fray. After Chris’ flippant retort to Britt questioning his motives, I think everyone that was involved in that date is going to be under a microscope. Or Chris is just going to make out with her more.
- Carly, 29, Cruise Ship Singer, TX – Still can’t really get a read on Carly. Nor can I get past her limousine entrance. Or her profession. Somehow, Carly continues to climb the ranks.
- Britt, 27, Waitress, CA – What to do with Britt? She was a front-runner until this past week when she questioned Chris’ intentions (!!). Who does that?! That said, I think her concerns struck a chord with Chris, despite the drama. Chris and Britt have a genuine connection, but they haven’t had a huge chance to rekindle that initial connection. If Britt is going to stick around, she needs to get some more time with Chris and remind him why he fell in first-impression-love with her. (Also…On the off chance that you read this blog and haven’t already seen this…it is gold)
- Megan, 24, Make-up Artist, TN –Megan’s Grand Canyon date is going to stick out in Chris’ mind for quite some time to come, I’d imagine. A date that grand just isn’t going away anytime soon and she struck it big by landing that instead of Costco. Megan doesn’t seem to be the brightest (source: herself), but she’s playing the right cards to stay for several more weeks to come.
- Samantha, 27, Fashion Designer, CA –How is she still here?! Who is she? What does she do?! How is she supposed to get a book deal if she doesn’t get any television time? What if Chris is secretly in love with her?
- *Kelsey, 28, Guidance Counselor, TX –I try not to let upcoming show previews impact my rankings from week to week, but this week, I’m breaking that rule. Kelsey really got a bad rap this past week--Although, if you follow her on Twitter, it seems that may be a bit out of context. (The date was designed for bimbos. She wasn’t calling the girls bimbos. Clearly.) But, oh how the mighty have fallen with Kelsey…She seemed so normal, calm and chill. If you can’t get down with a group date of camping out, you really shouldn’t date a farmer. Harvest is one big camping date, Kelsey.
- Ashley I., 26, Freelance Journalist, NJ – Did y’all hear she’s a virgin? To anyone playing a drinking game involving her discussing her sexual history….I hope you’ve shaken your hangover by now. She’s out of control and just way too over the top. Seriously.
- Mackenzie, 21, Dental Assistant, WA – She brought up aliens. Again. Moreover, I’m disappointed that we haven’t had more mention of Kale. This week feels ripe to be the week that Chris “sends her home because he wants to respect the fact that she’s a single mom” or some cliché line like that. And by cliché, I mean heartfelt. And by heartfelt, I mean scripted. This is the best show on television.
- Kaitlyn, 29, Dance Instructor, BC – She’s getting Chris’ blood pumping. And it’s not through his heart. And it ain’t from dancing. She’s been easy, breezy, beautiful Cover Girl through the past three rose ceremonies and she’s pushing all the right buttons. No reason to think that will change this week.
- *Jade, 28, Cosmetics Developer, CA – A product placement filled one-on-one last week, a questionabledress choice and lie after lie about Chris’ dancing ability all add up to one giant safety net for the California cosmetics girl. She also received a vote of confidence from Chris’ family. Safe for now and likely for a while.
- *Becca, 25, Chiropractic Assistant, CA – She’s going all the way to Top 3, baby. Becca’s nonchalant “I’m still a virgin” drop last week cements her spot on the Fantasy Suite dates. We already know from Chris Harrison’s first episode red carpet info nugget that a virgin makes it to the Fantasy Suite. Our worst fears were confirmed week after week as we were relentlessly told by Ashley I. that SHE WAS A VIRGIN AND SHE DIDN'T CARE WHO KNEW IT. But breathe easy, Bachelor nation. Becca (my new bet for the next Bachelorette) appears to be that girl, which is good news for all of us.
- Whitney, 29, Fertility Nurse, IL – I don’t like baby voice Whitney. Chris does. And that’s all that matters since Chris is The Bachelor and I’m happily married. She was quiet last week and with 11 girls left, she’s safe again this week.
- Britt, 27, Waitress, CA – I’ve been clear so far. I’m not a fan of #TeamBritt. So it’s crazy to me that the moment I start to like her a little bit (when she asked Chris a reasonable question and he responded like he’d never spoken a full sentence in English) is the same moment she started to drop in the rankings. She’s safe this week but Chris was visibly shaken (as shaken as you can be dating multiple gorgeous women at one time) at their previously unshakeable bond. Could this be the beginning of the end?
- Carly, 29, Cruise Ship Singer, TX – She wore Legend of Zelda boots with a wedding dress in the second group date last week. She seems spunky, she’s cute and she seems up for anything. But is Chris taking notice?
- Megan, 24, Make-up Artist, TN – Week 2 was big for Megan during a pretty great Grand Canyon one-on-one. But we’re into Week 5 and I don’t know any more about her. She seems cool but this week is make-up or break up for Megan (pun intended).
- Mackenzie, 21, Dental Assistant, WA – CHRIS CANNOT MARRY A BABY WHO HAS A BABY. Send her home. End of story.
- *Kelsey, 28, Guidance Counselor, TX – When it comes to reality shows, you almost always have to take previews with a grain of salt. But I can’t be sure The Bachelor producers know what a red herring is so I’m erring on the side of: “Kelsey really does have a monumental meltdown this week.” I hate to rank her so low because she (for the most part) seems pretty great. But the Power Rankings crown is on the line so Kelsey falls to spot nine.
- Samantha, 27, Fashion Designer, CA – Who are you? I have literally no idea. But let the record state that I’m now rooting for you. How incredible would it be if Chris picked her and she hadn't uttered a single word? The answer: Better than a designer suit on a scarecrow.
- Ashley I., 26, Freelance Journalist, NJ – With Ashley S. out of the way, The Bachelor has cleared enough "crazy" cap space for Ashley I. to come into her own. She can’t possibly last beyond this week but we can keep our fingers crossed for some full on breakdowns before she goes home.
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